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Tips On How To Name Your Pets

There are many reasons why people name their pets. Most people do so in order to better identify their pets as well as for better communication and to signify the membership of their pets to the family. Now, whatever reason people have in doing so, pet names should not just be given out of thought, you must also consider this carefully.

Some Tips in Naming Your Pets

There are many ways on how to name your pets but if you are confused or not sure which names to go for, you can search out for names at libraries or search the internet through websites like However, before you do so, take time consider the following tips first:

Consider the gender. Before you give your pets a name, you have to consider the gender first. You cannot give your male pet a female name. If you want, you can just choose neutral names.

Consider some characteristics of your pet. You can look into your pet’s physical appearance or personality for a name. Some people name their pets based on striking characteristics like ‘Blacky’ for a black-colored pet or ‘Speedy’ if it’s fast.

Make it easy to say and remember. If you give your pet a name, make sure that you can say and remember it easily. For instance, a name of ‘Gray’ or ‘Midnight’ and any other single names is easier to remember than ‘Speedy the Wonder Dog of the Family’ or ‘Pinkalisticlush’ (if the name actually exists).

Choose a name that your pet can recognize easily. When you name your pet, it is better to give single word names since it is easier to recognize. Also, steer clear of names that closely resemble commands like stay, sit, come, or no.

Pick names that grow with your pet. If you give your pet names, choose names that grow with your pet. Meaning do not name your mature cat ‘kitten’ or your adult dog ‘puppy’. Give names that are appropriate to your pet’s growth or age.

Further Thoughts

Whichever way you choose to name your pets, you have to make sure to consider and remember the following important factors:

Consistency. One important thing to remember when you name your pet is to be consistent about it or at least you are sure that your pet will recognize it even when you modify it a bit. This way, you will have easier communication and understanding.

Associations. Most pet associate their names to good things. Make sure it stays this way. If possible, when you are angry do not yell your pet’s name. It may associate your calm calling of its name as a good thing but may get confused when you say the same name in a yell.

There are more things consider, the above are just a few of the most important ones. The most important thing is be creative and adventurous while logical when giving your pets names.


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